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Domboki Orphanage PlaygroundDomboki Orphanage, Ukraine

Hope and Life has been working in Ukraine for more than seven years. One of the very first places that opened up to us was the state run orphanage in Mukachevo, Ukraine - the Domboki orphanage.

The Domboki orphanage is where children with handicaps and older children are cared for. Because of the type of children this orphanage caters to, and its rather rugged reputations, it is unusual that any child from this orphanage to be adopted.

Over time, Hope and Life has developed an ongoing relationship with this orphanage. We have see how it has been transformed under the dedicated care of their new director, Luba Lavor. Over the past five years, Hope and Life has had the opportunity to help with various improvement projects including new beds for the children, washing machines, bath houses and a walkway garden that the children maintain. We have seen the Domboki orphanage become a lovely place for the children who live there. The children have a renewed pride in their home and with the help of their director have embroidered curtains and bed covers for all of their rooms.

In 2007, Luba Lavor, the director of the Domboki Orphanage asked Hope and Life to help her fufull her dream of providing the children under her care with a playground. She envisioned it set in the courtyard of the orphanage grounds. Hope and Life was able to raise $5,000 for the playground and it was built immediately. The children now enjoy many hours of recreation.

Read about Hope and Life's other involvement in Ukraine.